In Shkodra City, right in front of the ancient Illyrian castle, where Drini and Buna river make their way to merge with Shkodra Lake, making a round formation, just so a 10thousand meter square of land and nature can arise, under the name of Camping Legjenda. Okla festival is landing here in the nights of 1, 2 and 3 july, flying back home in the evening of 4th july.
A vibrant aliveness in the air, a connectedness with the universe, Jupiter and Saturn in perfect visibility in Shkodra’s night sky will great us as well in Okla festival.
What could we ask for more? Feeling the high energy and the brilliance of our souls dancing, absorbing the music and nature with all our five senses.
30+ national and international Dj’s, performing and expressing themselves through techno sounds, enhancing the beauty of what’s around us, expanding our souls so we can stay connected to our inner wisdom, helping us remember why we came here for!
With all that being said, Okla is waiting forward to meet with you, embracing and loving our diversities. He/she knows we are made of star-dust, that’s why he/she wants to celebrate and share this truth with us all: may we all absorb it!
A side note from Okla: I love each of you, dearly and truly... be back soon!